
Corporate-owned banks pose a risk


The Reserve Bank of India (RBI), the sentinel of our banking system having occasionally faltered as the supreme banking regulator, is often seen to be working...

An India in chains


What needs to be curbed is the freedom with which the State seeks to legitimize the misuse of draconian laws that impinge upon the freedom of...

अमीर और गरीब के बीच बढ़ती असमानता सफल आर्थिक मॉडल का आधार नहीं बन सकता


प्राकृतिक संसाधनों के मामले में हमें विकास के एक नए आर्थिक मॉडल की आवश्यकता है। नीतिगत उपाय के रूप में सरकारें निजी क्षेत्र को सार्वजनिक भलाई के...

The perils of an economic oligarchy


We need a new economic model of development when dealing with natural resources. As a policy, governments have been allowing the private sector to exploit these...