When the act of demolition, based on faith, of an allegedly disputed structure is considered a triumph, even though perceived as a crime, the fabric of our country is torn asunder. Supreme Court has done well to stay petitions that go against Places of Worship Act
“Double, double, toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble.” It is a toxic brew when religion and accompanying emotive incantations breed divisiveness for political dividends.
When we the people, gave to ourselves this Constitution of India, we embraced certain fundamental tenets which are the foundation of our Republic. That is why the preamble to our Constitution secures for citizens, liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship along with the commitment to promote among citizens fraternity, assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the nation. What this means is that a citizen of this country has the liberty, which is an inalienable right, of his or her belief, in his or her faith. The right to worship, in accordance therewith, is embedded in our cultural traditions. This applies to all religions practised in India, forming the bedrock of our multi-cultural society.